Langston Conducts Lean Construction Training

Langston Construction is committed to maximizing value for our clients through LEAN construction practices and minimizing waste and pollution in the environment.

Langston Construction recently invested in our skilled trades workforce! On December 23, 2020 the Langston team of roughly 30 craft workers took to the shop up the hill in effort to learn more about Lean Construction. After an hour or so of team trust building exercises and learning more about one another, we dove into the topic of the 8 wastes. These 8 wastes are prominent in construction and Langston has decided to educate our craft team members to allow them to mitigate these wastes on the job site.

After the team learned about the 8 wastes, we discussed 5S and how to apply the concept to the project site. 5S consist of sort, straighten, shine, standardize and sustain. After the team’s more detailed understanding of 5S, we applied the concept to the warehouse. We were able to fill up a general debris and metal only dumpster during our time applying 5S to the ware house. Below is a before and after photo of the warehouse when our team finished up.