Langston Construction Co. makes safety a number one priority and promotes an active safety culture because we have a deep respect for our employees and their families. By providing continuous knowledge and practical safety training, as well as hazard awareness, Langston empowers all team members to be safety ambassadors on and off the jobsite.
It’s no wonder that on Thursday May 2, 2019, members of Langston’s team, Chris T. and Payton W., acted courageously when they rescued an 8-year boy from a crashed SUV. The boy was pinned in his seat by his seat belt, and because of the impact of the vehicles, the passenger door was jammed. Chris broke out the window to free the boy while Payton cut the seat belt and removed the boy from the wrecked vehicle. Langston employees called 911, and directed traffic until Law Enforcement and Emergency Personnel arrived. As a result of their tenacity and hazard condition preparedness, the little boy, his grandfather and the driver of the involved vehicle received prompt medical attention from First Responders.
This story prompted us to ask our employees why safety training and hazard preparedness is important to them. These are just some of their answers:
“Safety is important to me because we ALL have family who depend on us, and accidents can affect your quality of life. A life ending accident causes grief for our family and friends and loss of income for our families. Accidents that aren’t life-ending can be so life altering that can affect our quality of life and livelihood for the remainder of our lives.”
– Bill R., Superintendent
“The Construction Industry is one of the most dangerous in the world. Safety and being our brother’s keeper is the only way we can reduce the risk of one of us not going home to our families in the same condition that we left them in. Langston Construction is a family-oriented business, and I consider each of our co-workers part of that family and taking care of families is the reason that we work. Safety is the only way we can achieve this.”
– Justin T., Project Manager
“Safety is the process we implement to reach the goal that is at the top of defining my career as successful. That goal is to never have to make the call to a family member that someone on the Langston team is no longer with us due to an accident.”
– Jim R., Principal
“Health and safety at work is important to me because, I don’t want to see myself or anyone else injured. Also, health and safety is important because without it, injuries and fatalities can and will occur. Injuries, Incidents, Accidents Plus Property Damage, and Fatalities, equals loss of Profit and Security.”
– Michael S., Safety Professional